UK industrial design rate

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by will_usher, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. will_usher

    will_usher Guest

    Thats unfare. I think its because very rich Londoners are moving out to
    the Gloucestershire countryside.
    will_usher, Feb 27, 2006
  2. will_usher

    alphawave Guest

    probably, I did the commute to London for 2 years - the cost of my
    mortgage plus travel costs were still less than the guys who lived
    there and my 1 hour commute was not much longer than their tube journey

    alphawave, Feb 27, 2006
  3. will_usher

    will_usher Guest

    Yeh I just looked up Haddenham.. its quite a bit closer to London than
    me. Still a pretty cheap price though. I might think of moving
    somewhere quiet but as near as possible to London.
    will_usher, Feb 27, 2006
  4. will_usher

    TOP Guest

    Just curious, but if you get the to your stop at 9:30 and into work at,
    say, 10, how long is your day?
    TOP, Feb 27, 2006
  5. will_usher

    will Guest

    I start at 10 as well and finish at 6 (wake up at 7 and get home at
    8.30). I used to wake up at 5 and get home at 7, but that got a bit
    much after 6 months.
    will, Feb 27, 2006
  6. will_usher

    Cliff Guest

    Try the Mercedes & Bentley dealers.
    Cliff, Feb 28, 2006
  7. will_usher

    jjs Guest

    Yea - VAT ( Value Added Tax) is a sales tax that is set by each nation
    in the EU at different levels. If you are VAT registered business you
    can claim back VAT on business purchases.
    Council Tax covers the above except most is provided by central
    government not the local government
    £250,000 is the threshold and then 40% of any of the estate above
    this. However the very rich use trusts and offshore accounts to get
    around all this, and can end up paying no inheritance tax. However in
    the UK - house prices have shot up so much in 10 years that a very
    large proportion of housing now falls into the 250,000 bracket and
    inheritance tax catches people who cannot afford trust lawyers to plan
    to avoid this tax. Trusts , set up in the time of the crusades to
    allow people to go off to Palestine and leave their estates 'in trust'
    are now, in my opinion, a social scam and a major cause for the rich
    getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The rich just don't pay
    taxes anymore to the same proportion as the poor on their disposable
    income. Its never , in the history of the world, been a better time
    to be a billionaire !! - The only threat to your money is your own
    or your childrens stupidity, nothing else, not even if your money is
    illegal because its still safe in Western banks. I think America is
    on the right lines in jailling finacial fraud - here they just walk.
    If you are interested in Pre-Revolution history - read 'White Devil'
    by Stephen Brumwell - its about Robert Rogers who founded the American
    Rangers and is a real eye opener on the social fabric of the Mohicans
    and all the tribes living the North East. They were not as the Mel
    Gibson school of history portrays them - in fact half were
    English,Irish and Scots etc who prefered the woods to their fellow

    It has a few interesting takes on the pre-revolution issues regarding
    tax on the colonists and the cost of the 1750s war with France and who
    had to pay ;-) and who did not ;-) - suffice to say - the American
    colonies were pretty much a tax free zone compared to the UK ;-).
    Pretty much the reverse situation to the last 50 years where the US
    has paid for the defense of Europe ;-) - so its all evened out in the
    end ;-)


    jjs, Feb 28, 2006
  8. will_usher

    TOP Guest

    In the US it is the AMT or Alternative Minimum Tax that is catching the
    middle class every year. This tax was meant to make the well to do pay
    a minimum amount of tax even with all the deductions and loopholes
    available. But with many households with two breadwinners making an
    aggregate of over $100,000 per year this is starting to hit the upper
    middle class of whom there are quite a few. The law makers forgot to
    put an inflation adjustment into many of the "rich" taxes. It is hard
    to believe that when I was a little kid my dad could support the whole
    family and buy a house with a $90 per week pay packet.
    TOP, Mar 1, 2006
  9. will_usher

    Cliff Guest

    Since when?
    Cliff, Mar 1, 2006
  10. will_usher

    will Guest

    Also, how do you charge for rendering? If a render takes 30 hours
    surely you dont charge 30 hours of work?... or do you?
    will, Mar 14, 2006
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