UG Conversion

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Kevin, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin Guest

    I heard the Wildffire 2.0 was going to convert UG files .
    Has anyone had any experience in converting these files other than step.
    The pre production 2.0 has a par_asolid in and out but it seems to just crash
    Pro when used, any thoughts would be helpful.
    Kevin, Jan 16, 2004
  2. Kevin

    Kevin Guest

    Has anybody actually used and got to work the export Parasolids.
    Kevin, Jan 18, 2004
  3. Hello to all.

    I have done some Pro/E (Wildfire) to parasolid conversion just about three
    days ago. I have transfred an assembly with about 30-40 parts in it, but it
    is true that the form of parts is not wery complex (no free form surfaces,
    sheetmetal and plastic parts mostly).

    It was my first transfer of this kind, therefore I was not sure of its
    succes, therefore I have exported the same assembly also in STEP and IGES
    format. The file size is slight bigger as STEP. My partner, who uses UG18,
    could not read STEP (According to him this is an UG trouble, he has also
    problems exporting STEP from UG), the results from importing parasolid to UG
    was almost perfect. Only some surfaces on one part were missed, but this par
    has already a rich transformation history (UG18--STEP--Pro/E Wildfire (some
    re-work in Pro/E)--Parasolid---UG18), an features I added were untouched, we
    didn't see this as critical. All other parts (Partly native Pro/E parts,
    partly in Pro/E inported STEP parts, changed in Pro/E (Parts were originated
    in UG18)) were transfrred correctly. And yes, I didn't figured out how to
    transfer the color of parts:). Afterwards all parts were Green in UG!

    Because of this good experience I and my partner decided to do the data
    excange primarily using parasolid in future.

    Pro/E Wildfire acted perfectly stable during transfer

    Kind regards

    Joze BARBARIC, Jan 18, 2004
  4. Kevin

    Robert Guest

    Try taking the prt file and open it with a hex editor. Then delete all
    substrings 'patriots'. Should work.
    Robert, Jan 20, 2004
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