Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Donna, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. Donna

    Donna Guest

    I can rotate a view by switching the system variable UCSFOLLOW to 1 and then
    resetting my UCS. This rotates the view without rotating the objects. The
    problem I have is when I do this in a layout. When I exit the viewport
    into paper space and then come back in to the model space viewport, my view
    zooms out to the extents. Is there a way of fixing this so I can retain the
    rotated view and a particular zoom scale?
    Donna, Jan 6, 2005
  2. Donna

    3Dim Guest


    e.g. rotate view around the z-axes : ucs - z -90 - plan -enter enter
    3Dim, Jan 6, 2005
  3. Not withstanding any other replies to this thread, you don't have to use
    rotate a view in any kind of port. With USCFOLLOW set to 0, you can change
    the UCS in any port
    so that the Y axis is pointing in the direct you would like to be "up" in
    your port,
    then use the PLAN command. That will rotate the view.
    Zoom to the required scale/degree, and it will stay that way until YOU
    change it.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jan 6, 2005
  4. Donna

    Pete Guest

    and lock the viewport afterwards, no?

    Pete, Jan 7, 2005
  5. In my case usually not, but someone else might want to.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jan 7, 2005
  6. Donna

    Remo-Shiva Guest

    I think DVIEW is the command you want, and then hit Twist and it will keep
    the settings in our viewport without changing anything within model space.

    Remo-Shiva, Jan 7, 2005
  7. Donna

    John B Guest

    I'm not sure where I got this macro, but I think this will do what you
    want. I always set my UCS by selecting objects that are on the desired
    angle. This macro will set the UCS to the object's angle, rotate the
    view, and then zoom back to the original scale. Sorry I don't know who
    to credit.

    John B, Jan 11, 2005
  8. Donna

    John B Guest

    Sorry I should have looked a little harder...EXPLAN is in the express
    tools and here is it's explanation.

    ;; Similar to PLAN except that EXPLAN automatically zooms to the
    ;; of the extents of selected objects after performing a plan view to
    ;; the specified ucs. i.e. In other words; it keeps the zoom distance
    ;; consistant.
    John B, Jan 11, 2005
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