ucm for referencing

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by James Dekker, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. James Dekker

    James Dekker Guest

    Hello, I am constantly confronted with the problem that, when some dgns are
    in folders too "far" away from my active dgn, I can't reference them because
    MS SE only allows for 65 characters.
    By seting the variable MS_RFDIR, I can overcome the problem locally, but
    then these settings have to be on every machine that opens my dgns (a
    logistical problem with 150 workstations spread all around the country). A
    collegue told me he had once seen a ucm that specified that, when looking
    for a reference, one need only specify the harddrive letter, then MS would
    find the references. Unfortunatly he doesn't know how to make this ucm, and
    neither do I :-(
    But I'm sure someone here can help me to solve this problem?
    James Dekker, Aug 7, 2003
  2. James Dekker

    Lorys Guest

    But you would still need to run the ucm on every machine ie you said 150
    workstations around the country.
    Surely it would be easier to copy the reference files and paste them in the
    same directory as your active dgn is located.
    Although not an elegant solution it does work.
    I just tested my copy of SE and you can NEST ref files ie a reference file
    within a referenced file.
    I referenced File A into File B and then referenced File B into file C only
    file A & B had elements file C had no elements.
    The result was that the active file C while it had no elements of its own
    did display all the elements in both file A and File B ( the ref manager
    told me that File B was a ref file but file A was a logical reference).
    How to do it.
    Go workspace > preferences> reference files> nested enter a number in the
    blank box (here I used a five as my default).
    So at less than 65 characters away from you real reference file(s) create a
    blank drawing call it relay1.dgn etc remember how many nested levels your
    allowed see above, attach to it the reference files then go to where you
    original active file is, hopefully not more than 65 characters away than
    the relay1.dgn now attach relay1.dgn to your active file and it will now
    have all the reference files that will auto update each time the original
    refs update!
    BTW this method would allow you to attach from 130 characters away!
    Cool or what? Just like a radio repeater relay station... it works!!!
    I thought this only worked in V8 but I cheated and looked up help under
    Nested References!

    Good luck James
    from Lorys Lea working at
    Yarra Valley Water
    (at home really)
    Melbourne Australia
    Lorys, Aug 8, 2003
  3. James Dekker

    James Dekker Guest

    Hmmm, that's a clever little trick indeed!
    Thanks Lory
    James Dekker, Aug 8, 2003
  4. Use the include line in your user config file to point to a common file that
    defines search paths or comfiguration variables- ie put all your search
    paths in one file on a server that can be seen by all computers - then you
    only have to update the file on the server. The syntax below looks for a
    text file called variables .dat located on 's' drive

    %include s:/variables.dat

    hope this helps


    Daniel_Beekwilder, Aug 12, 2003
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