typing in Pi

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by don, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. don

    don Guest

    Is there a fast key code to type in the value of Pi? ALso when trying to
    draw a line at an angle of 1/4 pi radians , how would you type this in -
    so far I know how to to specify whole values such as @2<2r but when
    trying to type in a fractional pi value I'm getting a syntax error
    don, Sep 19, 2005
  2. don

    Paul Turvill Guest

    !pi returns the value of pi to the command line.

    ....or use lisp expressions: (/ pi 2.0), (/ pi 4.0), (* pi 1.5), etc.

    However, you can't use these formats in a command string with the @
    function. When working in radians, you can specify decimal values only, for
    example, @2<2.123r. If you're working in the common fractions of pi (1/4,
    1/2, 3/4, etc.) it may be easier to just use degree notation and use 45, 90,
    135 respectively.
    Paul Turvill, Sep 20, 2005
  3. don

    don Guest

    ok thanks alot

    don, Sep 20, 2005
  4. don

    Caveman Guest

    May I remind you, also the value of 355 divided by 113 is approximartely
    accurate enough within most calculations when you are handicapped by the
    very basic electronic calculator without scientific features. And this rule
    of thumb is very easy to remember, too.
    Caveman, Sep 20, 2005
  5. don

    Longshot Guest

    why not just remember 3.14159. in reality 3.14 should be close enough for
    any typical layout (except a machine shop, maybe)
    Longshot, Sep 20, 2005
  6. don

    SimonLW Guest

    another way is to open the Windows calculator, set it for sci. mode and hit
    pi. it gives a 32 digit number.
    SimonLW, Sep 22, 2005
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