Type of computer for autocad architechtural studio 05

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Individuals, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. Individuals

    Individuals Guest

    I am a techsupport technicien in an representative company and i
    normaly administer/build/maintain normal office workstation on my net. I
    was asked to prepare a couple of machine for Autocad. I thought a Asus
    P4C800-EDX 875P 800 FSB mother board (With a P4 3.0 with 1mo cache) with
    a Nvidia Quatro FX 4 or ATI Fire GL video card would be acceptable. The
    rest 1 gig memory and Sata drive.

    If some experience users could give me their opinion, i would appreciate it.

    Ernst Vikenstein

    Sorry for the english, not my language.
    Individuals, Apr 22, 2004
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