TXT spacing lisp routine. Is there such a thing?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jorge Z, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Jorge Z

    Jorge Z Guest

    For instance,
    Lets say we have 4 tables of text, all the right height, but the wrong
    spacing between the text. We select the first row of text as the anchor
    point, and set the spacing between lines. Wala. Is there such a thing around
    right now? Sounds like a really useful lisp routine. Maybe I should just
    make one, but for the current time crunch, would be easier if one was
    already out. Does anyone know of one?
    Jorge Z, Aug 20, 2003
  2. Jorge Z

    Jorge Z Guest

    Do you have the link for this? I cant download this attachment. Virus
    software wont let me. I guess the office doesnt allow .lsp via e-mail or

    Jorge Z, Aug 21, 2003
  3. Jorge Z

    Jorge Z Guest

    nevermind guys.. I just finished creating mine that works for mtxt and
    regular txt. I'll prob add it to my cadd app too. Thank again guys.
    Jorge Z, Aug 21, 2003
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