two PWx 2007 bugs worth noting

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ed1701, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. ed1701

    ed1701 Guest

    Just wanted to pass on a little warning....

    If you create a new custom material in PWx 2007 with an assembly open,
    you run the risk of having the assembly reload when you save the custom
    The problem is that when the assembly reloads, the out-of-date data on
    your harddrive overwrites any changes you made to the asm since your
    last save

    This is a confirmed bug that is being worked on (x-bug level).
    1) Be religious about saving your assembly before creating custom
    materials (or possibly editing?... its a bug and I don't know all the
    2) If the assembly has a long reload time, try to make all changes to
    custom materials at the part level.
    Note: I, as most of you likely do, usually add materials at the part
    level. I only got slammed by this bug when I had an assembly with many
    components sharing a common materials, so I chose to make the default
    material = the common material to automatically apply it to all of the
    parts that weren't individually edited (usually a good prodcutivity
    tip). I did the material edits for the default material at the
    assembly level and -woosh- there went all my recent assembly edits!

    Bug 2:
    In my assembly, if I cancel a rendering while it is extracting data for
    features, it locks up SWx. Doesn't happen if I open a 2006 asm to
    render in 2007 - only when the all the setup was done fresh in 2007.

    Not confirmed by SWx yet because we have had some trouble with ftp
    transfer of the files, but I thought I would warn y'all just in case.

    Workthrough - don't get trigger-happy about starting a rendering
    until you are sure you want it, and then don't cancel the bugger
    (and, frankly, the bug might be specific to my file).

    Hope this saves someone some hassle. Not intended to start a rant
    thread... I just wanted to save others the productivity hit that I had.

    SWx/PWx 2007
    Sp. 1.0
    ed1701, Oct 29, 2006
  2. Thanks for the heads up Ed.

    Neither one of these has gotten me but I'll be watching for them now.

    I typically do my material work at the part level and its rare I cancel a

    Rob Rodriguez, Oct 30, 2006
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