Two Plotting Problems

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Lon Jafraty, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Lon Jafraty

    Lon Jafraty Guest

    1) On the company HP DeskJet 600 when we send a plot to it, it changes
    the font rotation -90 degrees in the x-refed title block,(file contains
    ..bmp, jpeg) but all the notes we place in the drawing plot normally. We have
    also had this happen when we send office made pdf's to the same plotter. We
    are using AutoCAD 2005/ADT 2005 and all plots go though the server. When
    installing AutoCAD/ADT we did install the HP plot drive from Autodesk.

    2) When sending a plot (plt or pdf)to HP DeskJet 600 it takes a long time
    for file to be received at the server, before it starts to plot.
    Lon Jafraty, Jan 11, 2005
  2. Lon Jafraty

    Tripp Corbin Guest

    First thing is to check and see if HP has a newer driver and that you have
    installed all the service packs for AutoCAD.

    Tripp Corbin, MCP
    Associate Vice President, GIS/Mapping
    ESRI Authorized Instructor
    Keck & Wood, Inc.
    (678) 417-4000
    (678) 417-8785 Fax
    Tripp Corbin, Jan 11, 2005
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