Two Companies

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sampland, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. sampland

    sampland Guest

    This may or not be possible. We have two engineering companies sharing the same space (building) , both have AutoCAD 2005, one company has a network install with 5 seats. Now the other firm wants to change their 2 standalone installs to a network install add extra network bump and use the same server and think it's possible to share licenses on the same server, making it a total of 8 licenses to borrow from. Software is registered/activated in two different company names. Can this work? Is it legal or not?
    sampland, Feb 25, 2005
  2. sampland

    jpostlewait Guest

    Sounds like a question for your reseller.

    John Postlewait
    IS Department
    George Butler Associates, Inc.
    jpostlewait, Feb 25, 2005
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