twin network cards on server

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by djarvis, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. djarvis

    djarvis Guest

    I have a network server holding my lic file for AutoCAD 2005 and the server has 2 network cards on the motherboard, the lic file defines that it should use a certain MAC address, however every so often it chooses to not see the network card I want it to and so refuses to let me start AutoCAD.

    Do I have a way to ensure that it looks at the network card I have specified in the lic file first?

    djarvis, Aug 11, 2004
  2. djarvis

    dstein Guest

    Disable one of the network cards (NICs). If you cannot, then consider moving your FlexLM service to another server that can run with only a single NIC. You can configure things to allow multiple NICs but it's generally more pain than it's worth.
    dstein, Oct 26, 2004
  3. djarvis

    Cy Shuster Guest

    I believe that FlexLM can bind to any NIC in the PC, whether or not the card
    is actually connected to the network... (right, Jerry?)

    Cy Shuster, Oct 26, 2004
  4. David,

    FLEXlm works fine with dual NICS.

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting
    moving your FlexLM service to another server that can run with only a single
    NIC. You can configure things to allow multiple NICs but it's generally
    more pain than it's worth.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 26, 2004
  5. Correct, Cy

    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 26, 2004
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