Turn on all warnings from spectre in ade

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by svenn.are, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. svenn.are

    svenn.are Guest


    after biting my teeth out on the help system I have to ask here if
    anybody know how to turn on all warning messages from spectre when
    using ADE. I hate to see that "further messages of this type
    suppressed" and want to get it all because I am looking for a bug in
    my system.

    The help system give me stuff for verilog-xl even if I want to have
    analog and hits in each chapter are listed. Argh, it makes me crazy.
    svenn.are, Aug 3, 2004
  2. Svenn,

    Under: Simulation->Options->Analog
    The two parameters "maxnotestologfile" and "maxwarnstologfile"
    control the limited number of notices or warnings it displayes before
    it suppresses.

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 10, 2004
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