TSMC2p4m .35 text/metal_pn for pin/lable still no match on LVS....

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Boki, Sep 19, 2003.

  1. Boki

    Boki Guest

    Hi, All:

    TSMC2p4m .35 text/metal_pn for pin/lable still no match on LVS....@@
    How to correct it? Thanks!

    Boki, Sep 19, 2003
  2. How long is a piece of string?

    Can you answer that? No, because I've not told you enough information.
    Do you have no local support?

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 19, 2003
  3. Boki

    John Gianni Guest

    1. Normally I try not to editorialize ...

    2. But, there are enough of these funky posts that I wonder if they
    are merely trolls (for what purpose I don't know) or some other
    kind of 'test' message.

    3. I guess we could simply ignore these kinds of ill-asked questions ...
    (some of which may be due to language issues); but, someone out
    there might really need expert help - and not just a test to waste
    our time.

    Does anyone know if these are merely games folks ask just to 'test'
    us (the USENET community) somehow? Don't laugh ... consider that folks
    write viruses for fun, for example. Because of the work it causes others.

    John Gianni, Sep 19, 2003
  4. Boki

    boki Guest

    The string is very short, in fact, it is a power node problem. After I
    modified schematic VDD! as VDD it finally passed, I don't know why,
    but it work.

    Andrew is my best support,thank you!

    boki, Sep 19, 2003
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