Trying to repath xrefs using AcadDbx

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by stephen.solt, Nov 6, 2005.

  1. stephen.solt

    stephen.solt Guest

    I can successfully recurse all the xrefs from a main drawing and copy
    all the files to a destination folder. However, I can't seem to update
    the path to remove the old folder.

    This code runs without error but when I open the main file from its new
    location the xrefs are still resolved to their original paths.

    Sub PackAndGoTest()
    PackAndGo ThisDrawing.FullName, "C:\Temp\"
    MsgBox "Done"
    End Sub

    Sub PackAndGo(strDwgFile As String, strDestFolder As String)
    Dim dwgX As New AXDBlib.AxDbDocument
    Dim oBlkRef As AcadExternalReference
    Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
    Dim strPath As String
    If fs.GetParentFolderName(strDwgFile) & "\" <> strDestFolder Then
    fs.CopyFile strDwgFile, strDestFolder, True
    Debug.Print "Copying " & strDwgFile & " to " & strDestFolder
    strDwgFile = fs.BuildPath(strDestFolder,
    End If
    dwgX.Open strDwgFile
    For Each oEnt In dwgX.ModelSpace
    If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadExternalReference Then
    Set oBlkRef = oEnt
    strDwgFile = oBlkRef.Path
    If InStr(strDwgFile, "\") > 0 Then
    On Error Resume Next
    fs.CopyFile strDwgFile, strDestFolder, True
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Debug.Print "**Could not find xref " & strDwgFile
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Copying " & strDwgFile & " to " &
    End If
    End If
    strDwgFile = fs.BuildPath(strDestFolder,
    oBlkRef.Path = strDwgFile
    'recurse in case of nested xrefs
    PackAndGo strDwgFile, strDestFolder
    End If
    End Sub

    Any help appreciated
    stephen.solt, Nov 6, 2005
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