trying to make a fan

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Albertin, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. Albertin

    Albertin Guest

    I have the 2005 version and I want to make an arm of a fan.... I've tried to
    extrude a square along a curve but, the obtained object is not what I want.
    Any way to do or website where it is explained??

    Many thanks from spain
    Albertin, Nov 3, 2005
  2. Albertin

    Chris D Guest

    Acad is limited when it comes to 3D curved surfaces. It won't do any
    kind of non-uniform compound curves or NURBS surfaces.

    That's why they are going to Inventor for 3D.
    Chris D, Dec 20, 2005
  3. Albertin

    jochen Guest

    It is possible to extrude (sweep) a rsuare (rectangle) along a duiding
    3D-polyline without twisting.
    The result is - saying the truth - facetted, not smooth. But you can set up
    the accuracy very high (by increasing the amount of the file).
    For doing "SWEEPING" you could use my PEDIT3D and my OFFSET3D to create the
    guiding 3D-polys. Then you can make RULESURF-surfaces between them and with
    help of M2S.lsp you can make the 3DSOLIDs.
    In case of interest please ask me via
    jochen, Dec 20, 2005
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