Try again

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ed, Jul 19, 2003.

  1. ed

    ed Guest

    Well I tried posting this 2 days ago. I use Newsguy as my news server
    but it may be on comp.cad's end but whatever I'm not seeing my post,
    so here it is again.
    We have a problem printing inserted tiff images, they print totally black.
    We tried inverting the image , does the same thing. Funny thing though
    the tiff's print just fine to a cheap lexmark printer. Out plotter sales
    tech support was at out location yesterday trying some new plotter
    drivers and other things. He is very good and has solved all of our
    problems except this one.
    Anyhow after he left, all of a sudden we can't seem to get our border
    lines on the paper, it's like all of our prints are set to extents. But we
    checked the plotter settings and they are still set to "window". We don't
    use paper space, but rather print straight out at set scales.
    Does anyone know what might be the problem ? It may be days before
    our technician can make it back into our town.
    Appreciate any info.
    ed, Jul 19, 2003
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