true dimensions, do you use them?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by iQ, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. iQ

    iQ Guest

    i had another orthographic drawing view on a drawing that had this
    setting changed to true dimensions. now of course this gave odd
    results that we did not identify directly. and of course one of our
    customers was designing to this information. bad news.

    what i would like to know is if you use them how do you use them and
    how are they interpeted. if i understand how others have used them, i
    amy be able to apply this information in our designs if needed.

    i have been doing mechanical engineering, PC board design, electrical
    engineering, and a bunch more. i have never in my career had a need to
    apply such a dimension in an orthographic or isometric detail view.
    this is primarily due to the imterpertation of this dimension. my
    opinion is that they should never happen on a detail drawing.

    true dimensions are an out of the box concept, do not dis-own them
    without understanding their purpose. right now i am sitting in a foot
    thick lead sealed box. iQ
    iQ, Mar 16, 2005
  2. iQ

    P. Guest

    Using true dimensions in an axonometric projection would be acceptable
    if the meaning were clear. I use it quite a bit from time to time.

    The whole point of orthographic projection is to show the true lengths
    of features by choosing views in which the projected length is the true

    Having the choice of true vs projected length add generality to the
    software that when needed is needed badly. Like anything it can be
    P., Mar 16, 2005
  3. I use them when necessary, and that's when the best view is not one that is
    normal to the surface or points I need to dimension. If you put dims in an
    iso view and they are projected, that's what you get - the distance that is
    how far it is between those 2 points as they project to your viewing plane.
    But if you really want the true dimension between those points, then tell it
    to use true dimensions and you will get the actual distance.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 16, 2005
  4. iQ

    Arlin Guest

    I think this error occurs when you insert an ISO view and then later
    change that view to some orthographic view.

    When you insert the ISO view, the view defaults to display TRUE dims.
    When you change the view to an orthographic, the dim type is still TRUE,
    causing some confusion.

    If you insert an orthographic view in the first place, the dim type
    defaults to projection.
    Arlin, Mar 17, 2005
  5. I would have to try it to be sure, but I think that the existing dims are
    deleted when changing into iso view.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 17, 2005
  6. iQ

    Arlin Guest

    Yes, the existing dims are deleted, but the default dim type is what I
    am talking about.
    Arlin, Mar 18, 2005
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