Trouble with making changes to .pc3 files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ahungerford, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. ahungerford

    ahungerford Guest

    Using Arch Desktop 2005
    Windows XP Pro, SP2
    I posted this to our support site and AutoDesk is working on this issue but I thought I would pick the 'community's brain'.

    When I make plotter configuration changes...
    in the 2005 product, and select "Save changes to the following file', and use the default path and filename listed I get the following error:
    "Please enter a legal filename".

    When I go back to the default path and filename I find that a double "\\" has been added just before the filename.
    For example... C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\ADT 2005\enu\Plotters\\Adobe PDFWriter (8x11).pc3

    If I change the double "\\" to a single "\" the save then occurs successfully.

    Is this a bug? I can work around this but as we now install our other seats (I am testing this while we continue to use AutoCAD 2004 on the other seats) I would like to fix it before other users experience this.

    When plotting using plotter configuration changes that need not be saved...
    Using the same installation as before....
    If I am in the plot routine (either model space or a layout tab), select the 'properties' button for the selected plotter, make changes to a plotter configuration (i have tried them all), and select 'OK', and then select ''apply changes to current plot only',.... a small window appears titled 'AutoCAD Error' and states 'There was an error saving the file' with an 'OK' button. If I select 'OK' (my only option) a window then appears then prompting me to pick a save location and file name (.pc3). If I save the I can then plot with the changes, if I cancel I am kicked back to the 'Changes to a printer configuration file' window where my only options are to 'apply changes to current plot only', 'save changes to the following file', or cancel. My only apparent option is to cancel or save the changes to a new .pc3 files (which is not how 2004 worked). Curiously... If I go to the 'Plotter Manager' to make changes to a .pc3 file I am never prompted to save changes when I make changes and then select 'OK'. The changes are made and the file saved silently. Is this not kind of dangerous considering someone could accidentally make the changes and exit without realizing it? Did 2004 do this?

    Anyone else run into these issues?
    ahungerford, Feb 18, 2005
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