Trouble with 3-terminal MOSFets and the bulk node connection

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Cliff Curry, Oct 23, 2003.

  1. Cliff Curry

    Cliff Curry Guest

    Using the spectre simulator,
    I can't seem to get the bulk node connection of my pmos and nmos 3-termninal
    parts to be anything but ground. This is ok for the n-mos, but certainly
    not for the pmos!

    When I change the CDF parameter "bn" to vdd! (or in fact, anything at all),
    it makes no difference. The netlist still comes out with the bulk node
    written as "0". It seems that the netlister ignores this CDF parameter and
    always writes a zero.

    Of course, 4 terminal FETS are OK, I can explictly wire the bulk to

    Has anyone seen something like this before?


    Cliff Curry
    Cliff Curry, Oct 23, 2003
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