trouble understanding closed corners?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Feb 18, 2004.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest


    I'm wondering what I'm missing re: the closed corner command on the sheet
    metal toolbar. As far as I can tell it works only at random.

    What I mean is; sometimes it creates a nice extension of a flange to
    'close' the corner. Othertimes it shows the preview of the nice extension
    but then creates only a tiny infintessimal extension.

    It seems to be influenced by flange order and the trim side bends option.

    Any ideas?

    Zander, Feb 18, 2004
  2. Zander

    kenneth b Guest

    this command has confused me as well (since '01 plus, i believe). i don't
    bother using it. imho, it's more efficient (accurate) to close the corners
    manually. sure it's a little more work (additional features) but i'm after
    reality not science fiction. :)
    kenneth b, Feb 18, 2004
  3. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Good point Kenneth, I guess I maintain this fundamental hope that tools
    will perform as advertised. My resistance to cynicism I guess.... :)
    Zander, Feb 18, 2004
  4. Zander

    matt Guest

    I don't claim to understand it completely either, but I agree that it works
    better when used with the trim side bends. One way I have used it is when
    I get an ugly corner, I might go back and use the trim side bends and then
    close the corner.

    If we could get Sean Adams to comment here, he probably has a better grasp
    of this.... Sean?

    matt, Feb 18, 2004
  5. Zander

    d Guest

    Hey Zander,

    Closed corner will behave differently with different bend reliefs. It
    is also dependant upon the edge flange type(inside, outside,
    intersecting). I find it easier to modify the sketch of an edge
    flange. THis allows for dialing in the bend relief some and adjusting
    the corner lap. Closed corners does not allow for an offset value.
    This renders it useless to me in most cases where welding will be used
    on the corners. We use a 1/2 material set-back in material thicker
    than 18GA.

    d, Feb 18, 2004
  6. Hi Zander,

    Personally, I find most of the problems with these types of features
    is SolidWork's ghastly and underpowered treatment of "perfectly"
    co-planar features when using sheet metal.

    I find that if you add a very small offset to the edge flange (like
    ..001), you will attain more success with a closed corner. Equally
    nice is building the overlap for the closed corner right into the
    sketch of the second flange, but also requiring a micro-offset down at
    the corner form radius (i.e. for a .031 radius, the corner clearance
    must be .032 high).

    Personally, I am very weary of working around the problems that
    SolidWorks has with "pure" planar "interferences" in sheet metal. One
    has to cheat far too often to keep the planes from touching. I find
    the whole solution to be dismaying as the sheet metal features are
    logically distinguished from each other in the feature tree, yet,
    planarity of features causes features to fail across the board, hence
    the micro-gap, micro-offset, micro-cut, micro-whatever.
    I personally am hoping as well, but cynicism has had it's way with me.
    I can only classify many of these "helpful" sheet metal functions as
    adequate, and not yet exceptional. Personal I don't believe that
    these functions will ever be improved because they are simply adequate
    .. . . and people can play around and usually get them to work as


    Sean-Michael Adams, Feb 18, 2004
  7. Hi There Matt!

    Yes indeed! I too think it was time to put something together on this
    closed corner:

    I have found a plethora of conditions that one must meet before this
    closed corner will work. Much like being appointed to the supreme
    court - you must have a clean driving record, never missed filing your
    taxes, passed the bar at least twice, have 8 years of schooling, 30
    years of experience, be married to a lawyer, have clean fingernails,
    star-spangled underwear and executive styled hair . . .

    It's good when it's good, but when it's bad . . . look out!



    Cyrano Devoid O'Funk <---- "I Will Never Dance", so he said . . .
    Sean-Michael Adams, Feb 20, 2004
  8. Jerry Steiger, Feb 20, 2004
  9. Jerry Steiger, Feb 20, 2004
  10. Jerry Steiger, Feb 20, 2004
  11. Zander

    Roger Moore Guest

    Roger Moore, May 4, 2004
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