I suddenly starting getting fatal errors during printing today and, sure enough, it was the one that indicates that I need the plotpatch - which I already have. I tried to reinstall it, but got an error message saying that it could not locate a file in order to start the exe. file. I uninstalled all A2K and all existing plotupdate files. I then reinstalled A2K and tried to download the patch to find the same inability to start the exe. file. I have run Ad. ware on my computer. I have run spybot as well. I know that I need more ram (256 PC800 RDRAM current) because of my Norton AntiVirus, and that I need to get rid of Windows ME, but that shouldn't influence my ability to run the plotpatch, should it? And if so, why would it work for a while and then not? My comp. specs are: Compaq Presario 2000 Pentium 4 80 GB hard drive 64 MB Nvidia graphics card