Trouble changing attribute-Values from within MSAccess

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by thymosofos, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. thymosofos

    thymosofos Guest

    Hello everyone,

    I've found a pretty good function in the newsgroups, that allows me to
    change a specific value of an attribute in a specific block in a
    drawing. See code below. The function is working good from within
    Autocad-VBA-Projects, but if you try to call this from within Access
    using Automation (I replaced ThisDrawing with AcadDocument of course),
    nothing happens. While debugging, I saw that although the ACadBlock was
    found, the attributes did not.

    Only an expert could help me with this trouble.

    Thanks for your help.

    P.S. I am using Access 2000 and Autocad 2005


    Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

    Private Function Att_Update(sBLName As String, sAttTag As String,
    sNewAttVal As String) As Boolean
    '+-- Change an Attributes' value given the block name and attribute tag
    Dim oBlkRef As AcadBlockReference
    Dim oSelSet As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim oAttRef() As AcadAttributeReference
    Dim iCodes(0 To 1) As Integer
    Dim vCodeValues(0 To 1) As Variant
    Dim iCntr As Integer
    Dim ssName As String
    ssName = CStr(timeGetTime)
    Set oSelSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(ssName)
    iCodes(0) = 0
    vCodeValues(0) = "INSERT"
    iCodes(1) = 2
    vCodeValues(1) = sBLName
    'set default return value
    Att_Update = False
    'get the blocks
    oSelSet.Select Mode:=acSelectionSetAll, _
    filtertype:=iCodes, _
    If sNewAttVal = "" Then sNewAttVal = " "
    For Each oBlkRef In oSelSet
    If oBlkRef.HasAttributes = True Then
    oAttRef = oBlkRef.GetAttributes
    For iCntr = LBound(oAttRef) To UBound(oAttRef)
    If UCase(oAttRef(iCntr).TagString) = UCase(sAttTag) Then
    oAttRef(iCntr).TextString = sNewAttVal
    Exit For
    End If
    Erase oAttRef
    End If

    Erase oAttRef
    If Not oBlkRef Is Nothing Then Set oBlkRef = Nothing
    Exit Function
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case -2147024809
    'block doesn't exist
    Resume Exit_Here
    Case Else
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
    Resume Exit_Here
    End Select
    End Function
    thymosofos, Sep 9, 2005
  2. thymosofos

    aryan2000 Guest

    Please send the code in Access that does the automation to AutoCAD 2005
    and I will have a look at it.

    Anthony Ryan
    aryan2000, Sep 13, 2005
  3. thymosofos

    thymosofos Guest

    I've found out what the problem was. I replaced the line
    Dim oAttRef() As AcadAttributeReference
    Dim oAttRef() As Variant
    and it works fine now.

    That was a very silly bug in my opinion.
    thymosofos, Sep 13, 2005
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