Hi! can anyone tell what should I do to enter 3D mode (a-cad 2004)?
Dnia 2004-12-06 "BG250" napisal: I have to make some 3d model of building and then render it as it was for real.
As has been said before, there is no separate 3D mode. The 3D tools work in model space. If you have never done 3D work before, you would be best off to get a book on it or, better yet, take a class. What you are proposing to do is not going to be easy without prior experience. I hope you have plenty of time.
Dnia 2004-12-07 "CW" napisal: Yeah, I have enough time to learn Autocad. But maybr you can tell me how to add third axis? then I will be able to 'drow' in 3D I hope...
As you have been told before, there is nothing you have to do to make a drawing 3d. The third axis already exists, and always has-you just probably can't see it because of your current view. Try the DDVPOINT command for axonometric views, but you are ignoring the advice you have received so far. There are several commands you will need to master just to "navigate" in 3d, and a fairly large set of commands you will have to learn to make a useful 3d model. You are unlikely to do either very well if you won't use a book or the help, or take the advise of others. I taught myself 3d a long time ago, but the manual was always open and beside me. This is not a "user friendly" 3d modeler.
Andre, what the other posters are getting at is that working in 3D is a complicated proposition with lots of nuances. Your request is the equivalent of saying "I have to perform an appendectomy. Can someone tell me where to put the first incision? I can figure the rest out myself." However, just to answer your question: Decide whether you want to work in the x axis or the y axis. Type ucs. Type x (or y), type 90 and hit enter. You're now working at a 90 degree angle to the ground plane. Type plan and hit enter twice so you can see what you're doing. To return to standard UCS, type ucs and then hit Enter twice. To see your model in isometric view, click one of the isometric view icons (if they're on your menu bar) or click View / 3D Views / Viewpoint Presets and then set the viewing angle and angle from XY plane. If you're running ADT I would strong suggest using the wall, door and window commands (rather than just drawing lines) as this will create 3D objects to your specs as a matter of course. Use the "Link to AutoDesk VIZ Render" command from the Open Drawing menu (accessed by clicking the little circle with an arrow in it in the lower left corner of your screen) to add textures, etc. I do this for a living and I'm pretty cheap, so feel free to hire me if you can't get this stuff to work (which from the sound of it, I'm afraid you won't). You can see examples of my renderings here: www.emasary.com Best, Marc Clamage