trimmed lines not vertical

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GhettoGumby, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. GhettoGumby

    GhettoGumby Guest

    I found this problem after writing some code that relys on checking the endpoints of a line to determine if they are vertical or horizontal. If both x-components of the points are equal, its vertical. It works fine unless the line has been trimmed (or extended). Basically this is really annoying and I am wondering if anyone else has run into this and if there is a way to work around it. This is in 2005 by the way.... and trim worked fine when I tested it in R14 but extend had the same problem. Here is the code I used to test this....

    (setq pt1 (getpoint "Pick First Point: "))
    (setq pt2 (getpoint "Pick Second Point: "))

    (if (= (car pt2) (car pt1)) "VERTICAL" "NOT VERTICAL")

    P.S. Same problem when checking horizontal lines
    GhettoGumby, Aug 4, 2004
  2. GhettoGumby

    mataeux Guest

    when trim computes a new endpoint, the result is accurate to 8 decimal
    places you are comparing the two numbers at 16 decimal places, use (equal x1
    x2 0.00000001)

    endpoints of a line to determine if they are vertical or horizontal. If
    both x-components of the points are equal, its vertical. It works fine
    unless the line has been trimmed (or extended). Basically this is really
    annoying and I am wondering if anyone else has run into this and if there is
    a way to work around it. This is in 2005 by the way.... and trim worked
    fine when I tested it in R14 but extend had the same problem. Here is the
    code I used to test this....
    mataeux, Aug 4, 2004
  3. You may want to use the fuzz option of the (equal) function:

    (Defun c:cp ()
    (setq pt1 (getpoint "Pick First Point: "))
    (setq pt2 (getpoint "Pick Second Point: "))
    (if (equal (print (car pt2)) (print (car pt1)) 0.0001) "VERTICAL" "NOT VERTICAL")
    Allen Johnson, Aug 4, 2004
  4. GhettoGumby

    GhettoGumby Guest

    Ahhhhh, thank you very much you guys. Figures it was something to do with precision.
    GhettoGumby, Aug 4, 2004
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