Triming or deleting a hatched area within a hatched area, after the fact

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Hogan250, Nov 18, 2003.

  1. Hogan250

    Hogan250 Guest

    Dear all,

    How do I trimall with one or two clicks inside a polygon drawn within
    a hatched area in AutoCAD 2000. Case in point, On my front elevation
    of a house I decided to dress it up and add shutters. So I want to
    draw an appropriate rectangle and delete or trim-all with one or two
    clicks within that space before inserting the block of the shutter. (
    This reminds me of the fence command in MicrostationJ but I'm not sure
    it works the same way)

    Any thoughts please are greatly appreaciated.

    Hogan250, Nov 18, 2003
  2. But in most cases you'd be better off rehatching the area after the shutters
    are in. Exploding hatch and trimming would work but makes future changes
    much harder.

    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Nov 18, 2003
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