"Trim" quilts

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Janes, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. Janes

    Janes Guest

    I lost something in the move to Wildfire, the ability I'm sure I had to use a quilt to cut or "trim" a solid. In looking under 'Edit>Trim', it seems it's only to trim surfaces with other surfaces. Maybe it's hidden in some other menu, like Extend or Offset. I'm stumped. Anyone know?

    David Janes
    Janes, Dec 24, 2008
  2. Janes

    john.r.wade Guest

    You can 'edit-solidify' quilts either as solids (if they're closed),
    thin solids, or cuts. You can also solidify datum planes as cuts.
    john.r.wade, Dec 24, 2008
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