Trim & Extend

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Remo Shiva, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. Remo Shiva

    Remo Shiva Guest

    is there a setvar for toggling Trim an Extend cutting edges to NOT include
    obects on locked layers and xrefs?

    I got some survey points for an elevation and I'm drawing over it. This is
    xref'd into my drawing and its also on layer 0 which is locked, but when i
    trim and extend the cutting edges include the lines on the xref. Im on 2005
    btw, before changing over i used to use r14 and this never happened.

    hopin someone can help me out, cant find any info on google about this
    Remo Shiva, Sep 11, 2006
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