Transparent parts ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pete Newbie, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. Pete Newbie

    Pete Newbie Guest

    Stll haven't installed 2004 yet, seems too much grief, going by this
    So my question is about 2003 sp5.
    I have one main assembly with one sub assembly in it made from 2 parts.
    In the main assembly I have other parts + some toolbox parts.
    1 part of the sub assembly and also the toolbox parts have gone
    I was able to return the sub assembly part to normal by using the file
    properties, but not the toolbox parts??
    Pete Newbie, Jan 29, 2004
  2. If you hold the shift key down while selecting it will select the
    transparent parts. I would suggest first going to the parts in the tree and
    checking the transparency there.

    How did you select them to make them transparent? You can make a part
    transparent at many different levels. Surface, feature, body, component,
    subassembly, main assembly. You have to fix the transparency at the same
    level that you made it.
    Corey Scheich, Jan 29, 2004
  3. Pete Newbie

    Pete Newbie Guest

    I didn't want them to go transparent, they just did. As you have suggested,
    I got the sub assembly part back to normal, it's the toolbox parts that I
    can not change.
    Pete Newbie, Jan 29, 2004
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