Transparent commands??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by AIRIC, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. AIRIC

    AIRIC Guest

    Why is it that some of my lisps show the (command "xx" "") in the command line and some show nothing. Is there a trick to do these commands within the lisp and not to have them show up on the command line? I hope that was clear?

    AIRIC, Dec 16, 2003
  2. AIRIC

    ECCAD Guest

    In Lisp, those that do not show up on command line probably have (setvar "CMDECHO" 0). This turns off the 'Command' line echo. If your'e referring to the "" in the (command "xx" ""), sample, this is shorthand for (Enter Key). This accepts the 'default' operation at that point in the command called.
    Bob Shaw
    ECCAD, Dec 16, 2003
  3. AIRIC

    AIRIC Guest

    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) .....thats what I was looking for,
    thank you, thank you

    Best Regards,
    AIRIC, Dec 16, 2003
  4. AIRIC

    Josh Guest

    Look in Help for CMDECHO and MENUECHO

    line and some show nothing. Is there a trick to do these commands within the
    lisp and not to have them show up on the command line? I hope that was
    Josh, Dec 17, 2003
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