Translation Pro/E <--> SolidWorks ?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Dr. Bob, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Guest

    Hi. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me...

    My company has been using Pro/E for about 7 years. (Currently on Wildfire
    2). We are looking to team up with a vendor, but this particular vendor
    uses SolidWorks. Ideally, we would like to be able to send files back and
    forth, and have us both be able to work on those files. In other words, we
    want to be able to translate files from one software to the other while
    saving the model tree history. So far in tests, we have been able to get
    SolidWorks to read Pro/E's model history, but Pro/E has been unable to read
    in anything other than a dummy solid.

    Has anyone faced this problem before? Are there any solutions? We've
    looked for third-party translation software as well, and haven't been able
    to find anything. If anyone has any experience doing this and has some
    wisdom they can share, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    -Bob M
    Dr. Bob, Nov 1, 2005
  2. Dr. Bob

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I wonder ... If you were using SW 2004 and they were using SW 2005; what would
    the options be? I think the same answers would apply here.
    Jeff Howard, Nov 2, 2005
  3. Dr. Bob

    David Janes Guest

    Naturally, everyone will be ecstatic when Pro/e licenses Spatial's ACIS kernel to
    support AutoCAD, Catia; when SW and UG license Granite and ACIS to support Pro/e
    and the others; when Catia, UG, ACAD, Pro/e license the Parasolid kernel to be
    able to read UG and SW files. Or, when they all get through screwing around and
    support the STEP development efforts to produce a parametric, feature based,
    associative solid modelling neutral file.

    But, as it stands, without these guys licensing each other's modelling kernels
    (Parasolid, ACIS & Granite are all commercially available for "interoperability"),
    we're left with featureless, nonparametric (often nonsolid) translations via
    STEP, IGES, SET, etc. There isn't anything else.

    I've seen SW's claim to translate the Pro/e model tree and produce a translated
    part with "features". The claim makes good ad copy, but lousey models. It's
    nothing more than an IGES with feature names: no parametric control/variability,
    no associativity, no real features. Pro/e is straighforwardly bent on giving users
    dumb solids, and, like the king on his thrown, trying to dictate the course to
    others while remaining obdurately 'neutral'. UG and Catia seem even more aloof,
    but this could be merely my ignorance.

    No, Bob, I'm afraid no one does feature based, parametric and associative
    translations from one kernel to another. And, collectively, they couldn't raise a
    blister with the effort they've made toward such a 3d neutral file format. You
    should buy a seat of SW and they should buy a seat of WF and just duplicate each
    other's modifications and keep these files in your own software's native format.
    You can exchange drawings in PDF format; cooperation has gotten at least that far.
    David Janes, Nov 2, 2005
  4. Dr. Bob

    Jeff Howard Guest

    when Pro/e licenses Spatial's ACIS kernel to

    Correct me if I'm wrong. "Features" are overlaid, relative the "kernel",
    functions and database structures. Cobalt won't read Inventor won't read ...
    yadadada native files, preserving parametric relationships and history even
    though they share the ACIS kernel. Parametric feature for feature translations
    for mid range price are a pipe dream once you get past booleaned primitive
    shapes. There are a few companies that develop translators (1 seat ~ cost of 5+
    SW or WF seats) for Catia, Ideas, Pro/E, UG. Even with those there are features
    that don't have a comparative target system function to plug the input data into
    so they resort to an un-feature representation. How's SW going to represent
    some of Pro/E's features; VSS, curve by equation, ..., ..., maybe even some
    method of datum definition? If Bob's not sellin' SW, he should buy a seat if he
    thinks native data swapping will help turn a buck.
    Jeff Howard, Nov 2, 2005
  5. Dr. Bob

    shaun Guest

    SolidWorks is so cheap and easy to learn just by a set of it and do
    your work in Solidworks.
    shaun, Nov 3, 2005
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