Translation of object

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BillZ, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. BillZ

    BillZ Guest


    I finally got to where I can rotate objects, using a matrix, around the x,y or z axis. is around 0,0, but that's okay for now.
    What I am having trouble understanding is the translation or the moving of the object, after the rotation.
    I've read some examples:

    Rotation Matrix: 45 degrees about point (5, 5, 0)

    0.707107 –0.707107 0.0 5.0

    0.707107 0.707107 0.0 –2.071068

    0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0

    0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

    How does –2.071068 in row 2 constitue y5?
    It's says "about point (5, 5, 0)"

    I've been experimenting but have had no luck in getting the solution.


    BillZ, Jun 30, 2004
  2. BillZ

    MP Guest


    ;gathered from previous ng posts...

    ;;;As for the rotation about the origin, all matrix transformations are
    ;;;about the origin. You overcome that by first translating the desired
    ;;;basepoint to the coordinate system origin, perform the desired
    ;;;transformations, and then translating back to the basepoint.

    ;move object from basept to 0,0
    ;rotate around 0,0
    ;move object back from 0,0 to basept


    ;function names by Mark Propst
    ;function contents gleaned from many posts on this ng and hundreds of hours
    of head scratching and going..."huh?"
    ; many thanks to Jon Fleming, John Uhden, Vladimir Nesterovsky, Larry
    Leuallan, Doug Broad, et al for shedding some light in the murky waters of
    matrix manipulations
    ;I wish I actually understood any of this! :)

    ;rotate an object about a given base point by given angle around given axis
    ;usage: (rotObjBase vlaObj "X" 30 basept)
    (defun test()
    (setq vlaObj(vlax-ename->vla-object(car(entsel"\nPick something"))))
    (setq axis (Getstring"\nX Y or Z"))
    (setq ang (Getreal"\nEnter angle in degrees"))
    (setq basept(Getpoint"\nBase point"))
    (rotObjBase vlaObj axis ang basept)

    (defun rotObjBase(inObj inaxis indeg inbase)
    (moveObj inobj (vectorize inbase))
    (rotObj inobj inaxis indeg)
    (moveObj inobj inbase)

    (defun vectorize (pt)
    (mapcar '- pt))

    (defun moveobj(inObj invec)
    (makeMoveMtxList invec)

    (defun rotObj(inObj inaxis indeg)
    (makeRotMtxlist inaxis indeg)

    ;;;pass in degrees to this function to get a rotation matrix
    ;;;the function converts the degrees to radians internally
    ;;; making it simpler to call in programs where I probably know the
    ;;; degrees i want to rotate before i'd know the radians
    ;;; I could have done either way, pass in rads or degs, just decided to use
    ;;; some funcs return ang in rads though, so in future if usage ends up
    getting angs in rads
    ;;; then i can change this to accept rads instead of degs.

    (defun makeRotMtxlist(axis deg / rlist rad)
    ;(or dtr(load"UtilFuncs"))
    (setq rad(dtr deg)); i assume you have an equivalent function
    ((= "X" (strcase axis))
    (setq rlist
    (list 1 0 0 0)
    (list 0 (cos rad)(-(sin rad)) 0)
    (list 0 (sin rad) (cos rad) 0)
    (list 0 0 0 1)
    ((= "Y" (strcase axis))
    (setq rlist
    (list (cos rad) 0 (sin rad) 0)
    (list 0 1 0 0)
    (list (-(sin rad)) 0 (cos rad) 0)
    (list 0 0 0 1)
    ((= "Z" (strcase axis))
    (setq rlist
    (list (cos rad) (- (sin rad)) 0.0 0.0)
    (list (sin rad) (cos rad) 0.0 0.0)
    (list 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0)
    (list 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
    (princ"\nInvalid axis input")

    (defun makeMoveMtxList(invec)
    (list 1.0 0.0 0.0 (car invec))
    (list 0.0 1.0 0.0 (cadr invec))
    (list 0.0 0.0 1.0 (caddr invec))
    (list 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)


    x,y or z axis. is around 0,0, but that's okay for now.
    the object, after the rotation.
    MP, Jul 1, 2004
  3. BillZ

    BillZ Guest

    Thanks Mark,
    This is all great infomation and I'm sure it will help as I develop this program.
    It's not a project that has any fixed deadline.
    If I could come up with a new app, it would make our dept. look good though. :)

    I'll be working on this right along, so expect me back without warning.

    BillZ, Jul 1, 2004
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