Transformations on Cells from Database

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Alexander Heide, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. Hi Group!!

    I have some trouble in VBA programming and hope to find here
    new ideas.

    I have a database with information about the geometry of elementary
    We have "Sphere", "Cylinder", "Torus", "Plane" "Cuboid" - elementary
    "xxx" are cells in a specific Cell-Library.

    My efforts are:

    to place a cell corresponding to the "PosX"-, "PosY"-,
    in the database

    to scale the cell corresponding to the "ScaleX"-, "ScaleY"-, "ScaleZ"-
    mations in the Database

    to rotate the cell (Orientation in the space originally defined by
    vector [0,0,1])
    so that the vector [0,0,1]

    - this is a imaginairy vector. Vector is used to describe the
    orientation of the cell
    in the space and is "bonded" on the cell. This vector is _everytimes_
    [0,0,1] (!!!) -

    will be transformed in vector ["OrX", "OrY", "OrZ"]. Information about
    "OrX", "OrY",
    "OrZ" is also from the database.

    The methode to place the cell on the right position works good.

    Sub cell()
    Dim oOrigin As Point3d
    Dim oCell As CellElement
    Dim cellName As String

    ' "Sphere"
    cellName = "Sphere"
    oOrigin.X = 0#
    oOrigin.Y = 0#
    oOrigin.Z = 0#

    ' Search attached cell libraries for named cell
    Set oCell = CreateCellElement3(cellName, oOrigin, True)
    ' Display new element
    oCell.Redraw msdDrawingModeNormal
    ' Add new element to file
    ActiveModelReference.AddElement oCell

    ' "Cuboid"
    cellName = "Cuboid"
    oOrigin.X = 0#
    oOrigin.Y = 0#
    oOrigin.Z = 0#

    ' Search attached cell libraries for named cell
    Set oCell = CreateCellElement3(cellName, oOrigin, True)
    ' Display new element
    oCell.Redraw msdDrawingModeNormal
    ' Add new element to file
    ActiveModelReference.AddElement oCell

    ' "Zylind"
    cellName = "Zylind"
    oOrigin.X = 0#
    oOrigin.Y = 0#
    oOrigin.Z = 0#

    ' Search attached cell libraries for named cell
    Set oCell = CreateCellElement3(cellName, oOrigin, True)
    ' Display new element
    oCell.Redraw msdDrawingModeNormal
    ' Add new element to file
    ActiveModelReference.AddElement oCell

    ' "Torus"
    cellName = "Torus"
    oOrigin.X = 0#
    oOrigin.Y = 0#
    oOrigin.Z = 0#

    ' Search attached cell libraries for named cell
    Set oCell = CreateCellElement3(cellName, oOrigin, True)
    ' Display new element
    oCell.Redraw msdDrawingModeNormal
    ' Add new element to file
    ActiveModelReference.AddElement oCell

    ' "Plane"
    cellName = "Plane"
    oOrigin.X = 0#
    oOrigin.Y = 0#
    oOrigin.Z = 0#

    ' Search attached cell libraries for named cell
    Set oCell = CreateCellElement3(cellName, oOrigin,
    ' Display new element
    oCell.Redraw msdDrawingModeNormal
    ' Add new element to file
    ActiveModelReference.AddElement oCell

    End Sub

    But how to let readout the informations from the database?
    Sphere_______ Informations in columns
    Cuboid_______ Informations in columns

    How is it possible to scale the cell and to rotate them conform the
    data sets
    in the database??
    Specially how to make it just after the setting the cell in Design
    I would like to perform (set,-> scale,-> rotate ) step by step on
    every cells
    in the lines of database.


    I thank you verry much for your attention.

    Greetings Alexander
    Alexander Heide, Feb 10, 2004
  2. Alexander Heide

    Jon Summers Guest

    Jon Summers, Feb 24, 2004
  3. Jon,

    thank you!

    It's at repeated time a helpfully answer

    Alexander Heide, Feb 26, 2004
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