Transfer Form from DVB to DLL

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mgrigoriev, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. mgrigoriev

    mgrigoriev Guest

    I have several large forms in my dvb file. I am transferring all my code to a DLL. Does anybody know a good way to copy a form to a dll? Do I have to create a form in VB6 from scratch?
    mgrigoriev, Mar 17, 2005
  2. mgrigoriev

    Joe Sutphin Guest

    You don't have to, you could use the very same form in a VB application.
    However, keep in mind that the functionality of such a form is still
    restricted to that of a corresponding VBA form. If you are seeking
    functionalily different than that of VBA then you will need to redesign your
    forms in VB.

    Joe Sutphin, Mar 17, 2005

    Terry W. Dotson, Mar 17, 2005
  4. mgrigoriev

    Joe Sutphin Guest


    Maybe it's just me but I fail to see where this link does anything to answer
    the question.

    Joe Sutphin, Mar 17, 2005
  5. Well if you click just about any one of the links you find a DVB that
    allows you to write out FRM code from AutoCAD that can be used in VB6.

    I assume people posting in *this group* simply need to be pointed in the
    (possible) right direction. I don't think they need to be lead by the
    hand and explain every detail.

    Terry W. Dotson, Mar 17, 2005
  6. mgrigoriev

    Joe Sutphin Guest

    Well, I click on the link you provided, then I click on the link in google
    and all I see is a message board discussion at CAD Vault. I don't know maybe
    I'm just too dense to get it but I don't see anything about converting VBA
    forms to VB equivalents.

    Joe Sutphin, Mar 18, 2005
  7. mgrigoriev

    Tom Roberts Guest

    I'm with you Joe....

    I have seen the DVB that Terry is referring to before and I believe it is
    only available to paid members of the site.
    Maybe Terry's browser is automatically logging him onto a members only
    section of the site.
    Even running a search from the CAD Vault site returns nothing.

    Tom Roberts
    MechWest Design & Drafting
    Perth, Western Australia
    Tom Roberts, Mar 22, 2005
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