Tracking Spectre bias progress?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by markbe, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. markbe

    markbe Guest

    I'm a relatively new Cadence user, having come to it from custom in-
    house tools. One thing that I'm currently missing is the ability to
    track the progress of a bias simulation.

    In our own version of Spice, there was a convergence tracking number
    that we could monitor to determine whether our simulation was
    converging or just getting hung.

    In Spectre it appears that once I start a simulation and it's actually
    crunching the bias, there appears to be NO indicator from Spectre on
    the progress of the simulation.

    Does anyone else have this problem?
    Is there some convergence monitor that I haven't seen?

    The only one that I've seen is 'spectre.out' and it isn't helpful in
    this regard.

    markbe, Apr 10, 2009
  2. markbe

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Mark,

    Using Spectre, you could setup an option called 'diagnose'. This is a
    snippet from the doc ($MMSIMHOME/doc/spectreref/spectreref.pdf):
    diagnose (default=no) . Print additional information that might help
    diagnose accuracy and convergence problems. Possible values are no or

    Setting up this option is very likely to help you out with your
    convergence problems. Besides, I would advice you to go through the
    'Correcting Convergence Problems' section in the Spectre Circuit
    Simulator User Guide ($MMSIMHOME/doc/spectreuser/spectreuser.pdf).
    This section treats both DC and transient convergence issues.

    Riad KACED, Apr 13, 2009
  3. markbe

    markbe Guest

    Unfortunately, this didn't give me the information that I want to
    see. It did tell me about the 'maximum value achieved' for I,V,U but
    it didn't give me any indication of the progress of the bias.

    I'm looking for some numerical indicator which show how close I am to
    achieving bias during the bias run.
    markbe, Apr 15, 2009
  4. markbe wrote, on 04/15/09 16:36:
    This doesn't exist, as far as I know. Normally spectre's convergence is good and
    fast, so I guess this has never been asked for.

    I suggest that you contact Cadence customer support and request this as an
    enhancement - some kind of DC Convergence progress indicator. That said,
    convergence is not always that straightforward - you can sometimes appear very
    close, and then diverge!

    We do have similar feedback when doing PSS and QPSS analyses - these give
    feedback as to how these analyses are converging. But there's nothing for a DC
    operating point (as it's normally referred to, rather than "bias").


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 15, 2009
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