tracer ou calculer la pente d'une courbe avec 'Calculator' de 'WaveScan' (Cadence)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by kallel.firas, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. kallel.firas

    kallel.firas Guest


    I simulated my VCO with a PSS simulation by varying the control
    voltage in order to draw the oscillation frequecy curve according to
    the control voltage.
    But to extract the value of Kvco, I need to determine the value of the
    slope of this curve at one point.

    You know how to draw (or calculate) the slope with the 'Calculator' of
    'WaveScan' (Cadence).

    Thank you for your help,

    kallel.firas, Oct 16, 2007
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