tooth mesh when using Mechanism

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Steve, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    When using Mechanism and setting up 2 gears, set the number of teeth etc.
    done this. When drag rotation is done everything moves fine - HOWEVER - the
    teeth don't mesh graphically - is there a trick to this to give a more
    realistic appearance?

    Using WF

    Steve, Sep 29, 2004
  2. Steve

    David Janes Guest

    : When using Mechanism and setting up 2 gears, set the number of teeth etc.
    : done this. When drag rotation is done everything moves fine - HOWEVER - the
    : teeth don't mesh graphically - is there a trick to this to give a more
    : realistic appearance?
    Steve, I'm not sure if I understand the problem. It sounds like you're saying that
    they start out meshed okay, but when you define them as gears, with the ratios and
    all, that somehow they don't stay meshed when you move them. Is that about it?

    David Janes
    David Janes, Oct 3, 2004
  3. Steve

    meld_b Guest

    wow hamei! Did this guy touch a nerve!? I was going to say that I've
    seen some pretty decent involutes get drawn, but you're right... it was
    a specialized 2D Gear application that knew about most of your points.
    The graphics wouldn't really help too much if you didn't heed the other
    warnings coming out of the software.

    Actually, I think Steve was just trying to animate some gears that he
    tossed approximate teeth on (nothing really wrong with that) and he
    wanted to see them stay lined up. They didn't... because he didn't have
    any real way to line them up. Probably an initial condition on the joint
    would have gotten them lined up. I'll bet they were always the same
    amount of mis-allignment, right? Not incrementally getting worse.

    meld_b, Oct 10, 2004
  4. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Sorry all - been away...
    To answer a few questions..
    The teeth were generated within Pro/E for the sole purpose of motion
    representation only. I don't plan to do gear design or analysis in Pro/E. I
    don't have the formulas I used in front of me presently - but if you need to
    know then post and I'll post back. Your comment about modeling gear teeth -
    depending on the business etc. modeling of teeth is required for drawing
    purposes and thus will be in the assembly as well

    Yes you are correct ... If I assemble in assembly mode - you can use a
    number of different items and configurations to simulate the gear teeth to
    mesh in a reasonably accurate fashion. However when you convert to Mechanism
    and create pin connections the orientation of the teeth from the 2 gears
    doesn't match up as if they were properly meshed, movement is OK - however
    if you are using this assembly as a presentation - it is noticeably not

    Steve, Oct 20, 2004
  5. Steve

    meld_b Guest

    I'm pretty sure there's a way to give one of the pin joints an initial
    condition. It might take a bit to get it right but it's got to be there
    somewhere -meld
    meld_b, Oct 21, 2004
  6. Steve

    kanga Guest

    i don't see what the problem with generating gear teeth is, we managed
    to do this years ago using proe using proper involute curves,
    compensating for correction factors, class, tooth root radius etc &
    all done in accordance with iso6336 parts 1 to 5. Unfortunately we are
    not going to be developing this into a commercial product, but it's
    fast and easy to customise any aspect of the gears. Just a little bit
    of hard work is all that is called for.
    kanga, Dec 9, 2004
  7. Steve

    hamei Guest

    Right. Only problem is GIGO.

    There is no such thing as a "tooth root radius." If you just want
    to make a cute animation, fine. If you want to do analysis, forget
    it. You are not including some of the most critical factors in an
    analysis. Gear roots are *not* all created equal. The manufacturing
    methods make a huge difference in the shape of the root. The roots
    are *not* a simple "radius," either.

    btw, there's no way in hell you could be "in accordance with iso
    6336 parts 1 thru 5" when ISO Method A (which you erroneously call
    part 1) "...requires precise measurements of actual test gearing ..."

    hamei, Dec 11, 2004
  8. Steve

    kanga Guest

    iso6336 part 1 is "calculation of capacity of spur and helical gears,
    basic principles, introduction and general influence factors"
    iso6336 part 2 is "calculation of surface durablility (pitting)"
    iso6336 part 3 is "calculation of tooth bending strength"
    there is no part 4
    iso6336 part 5 is "strength and quality of materilas"
    Method A that you quote is used throughout this spec and relies on
    physically measuring already produced gears. It is therefore pointless
    to use Method A.
    The "tooth root radius" is generated by the hob used to cut the gear.
    All of our hobs are to BS978 part 1 fig.1. The tooth root radius is
    accounted for in iso6336 part 3 section 5.
    Our proe software does not use mechanica to do the simulation. All the
    relevant data we require is generated using relations.
    kanga, Dec 13, 2004
  9. Steve

    hamei Guest

    That's right. It is pointless unless you wish your results to
    match the real world (tm).
    Or the shaper cutter. And it isn't a radius, it's a trochoid
    because, as you said, it's *generated.* The 'radius' is not
    a copy of the tool radius because during the cutting action
    the tool and part move relative to each other. That's what
    generated *means*. This is not like milling with a form tool.

    I'm sure you accounted for that in your software, right ?
    the fact that the "radius" in the root is not in fact a copy
    of the radius at the tip of the cutting teeth ?

    And all your hobs use 'standard' dimensions ? Which 'standard' ?
    DP ? Module ? Shaper depth ? Preshave depth ? Pregrind ? Split
    pitch ? Old AGMA ? new AGMA ? Composite tooth ? What do you do
    about tooth thinning for backlash, ignore it ? What about long
    and short addendum gearsets, you don't do that ? Never compensate
    for equal wear ? never run extra-depth teeth for smoother running
    and less noise ? Never use full radius tip hobs for extra fatigue
    strength ? You stick with a 20* pressure angle ALL the time ?
    you're aware (no, probably not) that there is no such thing as
    a "standard" tooth ? Nobody who is a professional gear person
    sticks with "standard" tooth relations or "standard" proportions
    which means that in gears there IS no "standard" except for the
    convenience of buying off-the-shelf cutting tools for commercial
    grade work. "Standard" cutting tools which one then uses at non-
    'standard' depths to create non-'standard' teeth for the purpose
    required. In a real gear design 'standards' are *starting* points.
    For that matter,if you are doing production you don't even use
    "standard" pitches. Go look at an automotive gearbox some time.
    Or a set of plastic gears. Or timing gears. Or powder metal gears.
    Or anything intended to be quiet. Or carry large loads with tip
    and root relief. In fact, you can even buy off the shelf cutters
    set up with protuberance for tip and root relief ... I suppose
    you account for that, too ?

    There is no such thing as "standard" in the gear world, except
    for beginners who don't know any better.
    That's really really nice. And I'm sure you know that shaper-cut
    teeth are deeper than hobbed teeth ? And a totally different shape
    in the root ? I'm also sure you know that the roots of even hobbed
    teeth are NOT simple radii ? Did you know that a large percentage
    of gear tooth breakage occurs because of cracks starting in the
    corners of the roots ? And that often deeper roots with larger
    curves are effective in increasing fatigue strength ? Usually by
    around an 'insignificant' 15% ? Cut with 'standard' full-radius
    (on the tip) cutting tools ? You're aware that there are *several*
    'standards' for different gear cutting tools and *several* 'standard'
    tooth depths so that just about every set of gears is *different* ?

    You account for this in your software, do you ? unh-hunh.

    As I said, GIGO.
    Yeah, all the relevant information probably *could* be generated
    using relations. It *could* be, but dollars to donuts in your case
    it *isn't* because you aren't even aware of what the relations are.

    And that was my initial point : this all *can* be done in software
    (in fact some people are doing it in software, but not off-the-shelf
    pro/e, that's for sure) but it's a lot more work than it sounds like
    and if you don't know what you are doing the results won't match the
    real world which is sort of the point of analysis, so in effect it's
    meaningless. In fact, worse than meaningless because it gives people
    who think they know everything just because they looked in a book
    and pulled some numbers off a chart the impression that they know
    what they're doing. Which, at the end of the day, could be very
    destructive. My point was not that gear tooth analysis *can't* be
    done, but that people asking the question "How can I model gear
    teeth in ProE so I can analyze them ?" really *shouldn't* be doing
    this because if they don't already know what they're doing they'll
    get bad results. Unless, of course, they just want to make a pretty
    picture to impress the boss, in which case it's fine (as long as
    no one mistakes the results for accurate.)
    hamei, Dec 18, 2004
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