
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve Tietz \(renderman\), Sep 22, 2003.

  1. has anyone ever created a default toolbox dataset (solidworks files w/
    configurations) that contain every possible nut bolt & washer? The reason I
    ask is that when a company wishes to use toolbox in a shared environment
    (one data set) & there are different employees with different data sets then
    when the company moves to a shared environment then most assemblies error
    out because the shared data set does not include all the configurations. So
    I was wondering if someone has already created a data set that includes
    every possible configuration of a nut bolt & washer, as this way (according
    to my local tests) no assembly will error out. If someone cannot help me
    here could there be a macro written that would simply create a dummy
    assembly & have it drag & drop every possible size & length of a nut bolt &
    washer? Which after executing this macro we could then save this database
    to the central location. If anyone could help me out or point me in the
    right direction I would be very happy. Otherwise I will start the long
    drawn out process of manually doing this *yuck*.

    Steve Tietz
    Steve Tietz \(renderman\), Sep 22, 2003
  2. Steve Tietz \(renderman\)

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Can we assume that by data set, you mean database file? Or a group of SW

    Do you want (3) seperate files, one for bolts, one for nuts, and one for

    If you have different employees, creating their own "datasets" of standard
    components like nuts and bolts, I think this is the start of a bigger issue
    Mr. Pickles, Sep 23, 2003
  3. Steve Tietz \(renderman\)

    matt Guest


    If I had a nickel for every time I have asked that question myself or
    someone else has asked me, I wouldn't need to work.

    I have made this case several times to SW over the last 2-3 years, and I
    think they may be getting ready to do something. The selection process
    of what gets development time up there sounds extremely political, and I
    don't have any illusions that my complaining has actually changed
    anything, but someone understands what a problem this is and is trying
    hard to fix it. Lost configs of toolbox parts is a huge drain on tech
    support and worse, customer productivity and the much bantered

    The suggested fixes I have heard that sound promising have been things
    like an install routine that auto creates all configs on install, when a
    toolbox part can't find the right config, it creates it instead of just
    replacing it with the least appropriate size it can find, hyper-compact
    config data embedded in the part (probably text only) that enables all
    the data to fit on the installation disks, a toolbox configurator
    utility and maybe a couple others.

    No one knows what's going to happen or when, but I would guess that it
    won't be the kind of thing that shows up in a SW04 service pack.

    So, if anyone has some homegrown solution, it isn't too late. Short of
    that, you might want to hire yourself an intern.

    ....also, out of curiosity, have you set up and tested your multi-user
    Toolbox yet? Have you tested the read-write status of multiple users
    creating configs of the same parts? (I guess if you pre-create
    everything, you wouldn't need to worry about this).

    I got a piece of info from the toolbox product manager that she got from
    the programmer who had been hiding it under a rock. I haven't taken the
    time to test this yet, but they assure me its true. They say that you
    *must* make the Windows folder permissions of the Toolbox Parts
    directory "read only". This is in addition to the "insert as read
    only" and "change read only status" switches in the Configure Browser
    menu dialog. This isn't documented anywhere. Also, there was a bug
    fixed in one of the SW03 service packs (I think sp2 or3) which corrects
    the way these settings work. So at a minimum to do multi-user toolbox,
    you should be using at least sw03 sp3.1.

    Toolbox is much too convoluted a product to make it work right, and the
    biggest problem is that not everybody using it knows that they are doing
    things wrong and causing themselves problems. The capability is there
    for the software to be set up right, but SW I think knows that they have
    to do a better job of getting the word out with better documentation or
    easier to administer software.

    whew. end of rant.

    matt, Sep 23, 2003
  4. by data set I am talking about the group of SW files inside of the
    C:\Toolbox Parts folder -- these are the ones that Toolbox uses & creates
    configurations in. They all end in "*_AI.sldprt"...

    there are actually many files that encompass each type of bolt, nut & washer
    & the configurations inside them control the sizes. what I am saying is
    that if there are 3 standalone installs of Toolbox then each user has 3
    different configurations in the toolbox files.

    However the solution is to have Toolbox to create every possible
    configuration in every fastener file it has ("*_AI.sldprt") -- then once
    that is done we could use that as our shared 'data set' on a network drive .
    This way there is NO downtime when opening other peoples assemblies & having
    to fix fasteners just because Toolbox does not know to automatically create
    configurations in the dataset upon open -- it only does it upon drag & drop.

    If someone could write a macro to get toolbox to create all configs it would
    save me & many other companies much time! Otherwise I will have to this the
    manual way of drag & drop for hours on end.
    Steve Tietz \(renderman\), Sep 23, 2003
  5. We don't use Toolbox here, so instead we have all the fasteners read-only on
    a network drive, and they are always referenced there. They are organized
    in folders by categories and all use configs & design tables as much as
    possible. Example: we have a part file for GR5 capscrews, a part file for
    flat washers, a part file for knurled-point setscrews, etc. The decision
    was made some time ago to have separate files for GR5 vs. GR8, knurled-point
    vs. cone point, etc. Don't really know why for sure, but there comes a
    point where a little more simplification outweighs the advantage of the
    single file approach.

    I won't say that we have "every" possible piece of hardware, but we also
    will never use some particular pieces. So it seems a waste of time to try
    to keep up for stuff that may never get used. Example: we did create all
    the "standard" capscrews, etc. that the local hardware house says are
    available. However, we did not create all the special washers out there -
    only the standard ones. Then as new hardware comes up that is required, we
    just add it to the tables.

    This overall scheme greatly reduces the likelihood that configs will change,
    as once we put it in the "library" it's essentially locked in. Works pretty
    well for us.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 23, 2003
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