Toolbox set-up questions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MarkHPcmc, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. MarkHPcmc

    MarkHPcmc Guest

    We are new to Solidworks and are in the process of setting up the
    environment. We wish to configure toolbox as a catalog parts
    repository. We want to limit the number of users who can add parts
    to the toolbox. Initially we setup the toolbox on a shared folder on
    our server and set the permissions of this folder for everyone to
    have read access but only the selected users for write access. It
    seems that SolidWorks needs every user to have write access to the
    the lang/englis/SWbrowser.mdb and partslib sub-folders. Is this
    correct or am I missing something? If this is true how is the data
    protected from any user making changes?

    Thanks in advance
    MarkHPcmc, Aug 10, 2004
  2. MarkHPcmc

    Scott Guest

    Yes they need Full access to the DB file. How can they change it? They
    really can't unless they open up the TB file (e.g. Bolt) and modifiy it
    there. But if they are adding bolts to an assembly all they are doing is
    making new configurations of that file. They are not changing the existing
    configurations, only adding new ones.

    If you Only want selected users to have access then you shouldn't have TB
    for those users. Maybe a SNL would work better for you. With SNL you only so
    many licenses can be out at any one time. Or If you do use Standalone seats
    of SW, then only get some with Office and some without Office.

    Scott, Aug 11, 2004
  3. MarkHPcmc

    MarkHPcmc Guest


    If I understand correctly then the DB folder has to be writable by
    everyone but can only be changed when editing the part. We have set
    the /browser folder to restrict writing to only the select few as we
    wish to control how parts are created, do you see any problem with

    Mark HP>
    MarkHPcmc, Aug 16, 2004
  4. MarkHPcmc

    Devlin Guest

    We set our Tool Box/Browser folder (and subfolders) to read-only and
    it works fine for us. SWX creates any of the parts I want from
    toolbox. If you need something that SWX doesn't carry in it's library,
    like a bolt with a drilled thread, you can open the part from the
    toolbox, do a saveas and edit it without risk of changing the actual
    TB parts.

    We were told by our VAR that this wouldn't work but it's been working
    fine for 6 months now.
    Devlin, Aug 16, 2004
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