Toolbox - PN Loc'n in SWBrowser.mdb

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gittings, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. Gittings

    Gittings Guest

    Does anybody know the name of the table that contains the custom part
    numbers I create in toolbox? Windows search tells me that the strings are in
    SWBrowser.mdb but I can't find 'em.

    Gittings, Jul 23, 2004
  2. Gittings

    Pete Guest

    Mine is located in the followong directory!

    C:\program files\solidworks\lang\english\SWBrowser.mdb

    I just did a search for *.mdb to find it
    Pete, Jul 26, 2004
  3. Gittings

    Gittings Guest

    Thanks Pete.

    I know where the database is and have been modifying it to suit my needs. My
    problem is locating the table within the database that contains the custom
    part numbers.

    I contacted my VAR who contacted SWX whose response was "we don't support
    users going into the database so we won't tell you."

    I was hoping maybe somebody here would know.
    Gittings, Jul 26, 2004
  4. Gittings

    pete Guest

    WOW! You got a response from solidworks????

    Wonders will never cease, even my VAR is lucky to receive a response, They
    have never,(and I mean never), replied to any of my emails, or any requests,
    ( problems),sent through my VAR.
    pete, Jul 26, 2004
  5. Gittings

    Gittings Guest

    I guess it's a response... certainly better than the defeaning silence you
    sometimes hear.

    Still, "we refuse to help" doesn't exactly endear me to them. Granted, it
    was way back, but the direct tech support I had with Solid Edge back in '98
    was much better.

    It seems like they could say, "here's where it is... fiddle at your own

    Oh well, it'll make the warm fuzzy feeling of success that much nicer
    knowing I did it without their help.
    Gittings, Jul 26, 2004
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