Toolbox custom properties gone haywire!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mexiken, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. mexiken

    mexiken Guest

    Alrighty, a good place to start would be to detail some background
    before describing the problem. I will also go into the details that
    probably aided this problem. (This is also posted on the SolidWorks
    forum, sorry if you read this twice).

    All the toolbox parts what we use have three custom properties (CPs)
    that we created. There is Our P/N, Manuf. P/N, and Description. We've
    been using these custom properties for about 2 years without much
    problem. We're using SolidWorks 2007 Professional.

    The Culprit?
    I updated us to SP4.0 (SW2007) from SP3.0 or SP3.1. I was thrilled to
    find that this erased all files on my server's root folder. Several
    days later my engineers informed me that the toolbox was messed up. I
    checked the custom properties of several specific parts (after rolling
    my eyes of course) and discovered that they were correct, something
    fishy was up with our toolbox!

    I had previously mentioned that we have 3 CPs for each configuration
    that we use. Now for some parts we only had two; "Description" was
    missing completely. Furthermore, some of my CPs had changed to the CPs
    of other parts. For example, my 0.25" regular lock washer lists the P/
    N and Manuf. P/N of my 0.5" regular lock washer. Description was still
    missing, of course.

    Anyone who has seen similar funked behavior please let me know how you
    fixed it! I'd rather gnaw my arm off before telling my engineers they
    have to redo all these CPs, which would result in me watching them
    gnaw their arms off to avoid doing the same thing twice.

    The Mex
    mexiken, Jun 26, 2007
  2. mexiken

    mexiken Guest

    mexiken, Jun 28, 2007
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