
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pcoil, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. pcoil

    pcoil Guest

    Struggling w/ these toolbars again. I have a .mns file that includes two toolbars. One was existing and I just created another. The problem is that the icons on the new toolbar mimic the icons on the previous toolbar in sequential order.
    Here is the first string from my first toolbar:
    ID_Explode_0 [_Button("Explode", "ICON_16_EXPLOD", "ICON_16_EXPLOD")]^C^C_explode
    and here is the first string from my new toolbar:
    ID_UserButton_0 [_Button("Model Space", "RCDA8803.bmp", "RCDA8803.bmp")]^C^C_tilemode 1

    as you can see the image part is different in each one. Any help is greatly appreciated.
    pcoil, Jan 22, 2004
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