Toolbars refuse to stay in place

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by George B, May 18, 2004.

  1. George B

    George B Guest

    This is the first time I have expeienced this problem. The toolbars refuse
    to stay in place.Every time I start the program, the toolbars end up where
    they like. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to dock 'em and make them
    stay put?
    George B, May 18, 2004
  2. George B

    J. Nielsen Guest

    We use a small freeware program "Lock Toolbar" for Acad14. Maybe it'lldo
    the trick. Do a Google search for ""
    J. Nielsen, May 20, 2004
  3. George B

    George B Guest

    I use Quik Pik and it does lock the toolbars (among some other good things)
    so one doesn't accidentally drag the toolbar onto the drawing window.

    My problem has been that the arrangement of the toolbars returns to a
    default location every time ADT2005 is opened. After fooling around for a
    while (too long, in fact) I discovered the culprit to be the Osnap toolbar.
    Without the Osnap open and docked, all other toolbars behaved and remained
    where I want them. I created a custom Osnap toolbar and guess what - all
    remained in place. So, it looks like the bug has been found.

    I also feel a bit hypocritical because on another post regarding a 2005
    question I responded that I had not yet un-covered any new bugs. Speak to
    soon and you may get egg on your face!
    George B, May 20, 2004
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