toolbars docked

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chuck, Feb 6, 2004.

  1. Chuck

    Chuck Guest

    My toolbars don't seem to remember where I've docked them last. They always
    return to some point were they were docked before. Do I need to type a
    location into the mns file or something. I have 4 menus loaded and I think
    they're at odds with one another in regards to toolbar locations.
    Chuck, Feb 6, 2004
  2. Chuck

    JP Guest

    Trow away the .mns and .mnc files.
    Than reload your menu (mnu)
    That should fix it.

    JP, Feb 6, 2004
  3. well as wiping out all interface customization that has been done to
    Michael Bulatovich, Feb 6, 2004
  4. Chuck

    Chuck Guest

    My menu files are mns, mnr & mnc. I've tried throwing away the mnr and mnc,
    preserving the mns. Doesn't seem to do anything. Should I be tossing the mns
    & mnc, preserving the mnr?
    Chuck, Feb 6, 2004
  5. Chuck

    JP Guest

    Ususally there is an mnu file, if loaded that will create an mns, mnc and
    mnr file.
    If you do any moving of toolbars or turning them on/off, it will be noted
    in the mns file.

    You want to be sure that your modifications are being preserved?
    Copy the mns file to an mnu file.
    Delete the mns, mnc and mnr file (ofcourse autocad is closed).
    Now fire up autocad, load the mnu file and everything should be as you want
    it to be.

    If you want to be sure, move the files (mns,mnc,mnr) to a temp folder, when
    all is ok, delete the stuff.

    Hope it's understandable now.

    JP, Feb 9, 2004
  6. You probably start ACAD with comand line options.
    Like: acad.exe /p "c:\myconfig.arg"

    If that ist true arrange your Config and save it to "c:\myconfig.arg" at
    config -> profile -> export

    yours, Flo
    Florian Klaus, Feb 12, 2004
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