toolbars, dimstyles, and linetypes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DLT, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. DLT

    DLT Guest

    Q1)We have just added another Acad work station and will be adding
    several more through out the year. One of my users has customized
    toolbars in a certian position on the screen. The users tells me that
    these are in this position to increase productiviity. Is there away
    to save these toolbars and there positions, so when I have to setup
    the next computer everything will be same.

    Q2)Dimension styles. I also need to extract the dimesion sytles and
    put them in a central location so all comupters can access them. I am
    not sure where to find these.

    Q3)Line Types. I need to do the same for the linetypes.

    Any help is greatly appericated.

    Thank you,
    DLT, Jul 11, 2007
  2. DLT

    longshot Guest

    research "profiles"
    longshot, Jul 11, 2007
  3. DLT

    DLT Guest

    Anything else to try?

    It seems
    DLT, Jul 11, 2007
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