Toolbar Smileys

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Sean Ewald, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. Sean Ewald

    Sean Ewald Guest

    I am trying to create a procedure so each used can have custom toolbars, unique to his/her station. For the ACAD functions, this is simple enough through the customize feature and dragging buttons to a new toolbar. But for LDD functions, i can't drag the tools from another toolbar because ACAD removes the button from the old toolbar. So i manually cut and pasted the code from the .mns file to a new one, added the file location to the support path file, and the icons come up as smiley, except for the pulldown menu buttons which work fine.

    Anybody have any ideas???


    Sean Ewald
    BSC Group
    Direct (617)896-4332
    Main (617)896-4300
    Fax (617)896-4301
    Sean Ewald, Apr 1, 2004
  2. Sean Ewald

    hawkeye2 Guest

    Search the discussion groups for "smileys". Your solution maybe there.
    hawkeye2, Apr 1, 2004
  3. Sean Ewald

    ECCAD Guest

    Did you delete the .mnr / .mnc files and menuload the .mns ?
    Icon references are maintained in the .mnr file (menu resource). When you 'customize' the menu, using AutoCAD's toolbar icons, AutoCAD will 'recompile' the .mnr file on exit.
    It will not 'recompile' the .mnr file for changes in the .mns file, unless you do a menuload.
    So, delete the .mnr & .mnc file, menuload the .mns.
    All icons should show up that are on the \support\ paths.
    (hint: backup *.mn* before deletions)

    ECCAD, Apr 1, 2004
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