Toolbar menu's troubles

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mr. B, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Mr. B

    Mr. B Guest

    I'm trying to help a friend who's at a different company. The guy who use to
    maintain their CAD (electrical) Package is gone and no one knows anything
    about adding/changing symbols, etc. in their menu.

    They are using a Toolbar kind of menu on the left side with icons that expand
    out when mouse is over.

    When I add or modify a line and recompile the menu.mnu file, the menus don't
    work and the Icons are all screwed up (sigh).

    They have all their source BMP icon files in a separate folder and that is in
    their search path.

    An example of the menu info is as follows (whatch for word wrap):

    ID_G_Menu___MC_Switches_0 [_Toolbar("G-Menu - MC-Switches", _Floating, _Hide,
    465, 161, 6)]
    ID__0 [_Button("Switch", "switch-line_voltage.bmp",
    "ICON_24_BLANK")]^C^C(hidetoolbar);(gmf-insert "switch-line_voltage" 0
    "d16-lights_switch" 0 0 0 "")

    Anyone know where I can get some info on the line command structure (ie: what
    is the logic behind the ID_# part? Seems random to me).

    Any help/info is appreciated.

    Mr. B, Feb 9, 2007
  2. Mr. B

    Chip Harper Guest

    What you seek can be found by going to the Help Menu>Help>Customization
    Guide>From here varies with release. The ID_XXX can be anything you want it
    to be. One use is to tie the command with the Help String. i.e.

    ID_FTG [Footing Lines*FTG]^C^C(if (not c:chFOOTING)(Load


    ID_FTG [Load LISP to place FOOTING LINES]
    Chip Harper, Feb 9, 2007
  3. Mr. B

    Mr. B Guest

    Ah... simple enough.


    Mr. B, Feb 10, 2007
  4. Mr. B

    Chip Harper Guest

    Your Welcome :)
    Chip Harper, Feb 10, 2007
  5. Mr. B

    don Guest

    I would recommend the book "Customizing Autocad" by Sham Tickoo - it does a
    good job of explaining this stuff .... I just bought a copy on for
    under $12
    don, Feb 17, 2007
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