tool pallette customization

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Michael Schirmer, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. Few questions

    1) Is exporting tool pallettes possible to the server and then to other
    people's machines so they can keep them as local customizable pallettes if
    they so desire to modify the pallette themselves?
    2) Can you customize a block in the tool pallete to be set to a certain
    layer even if that layer doesn't exist in the drawing without writing a
    script or do you have to write a little script for that to happen?
    3) Can you modify the insert rotation prompt (or any other property) on
    multiple blocks in a pallette at one time or do you have to do it One by
    Michael Schirmer, Dec 8, 2004
  2. I am just checking back up to see if anyone has any information.
    Michael Schirmer, Dec 9, 2004
  3. Ok. I did figure out that you can set the layers to a given layer and it
    will stay that way. But I'm hoping there is a quick way to modify multiple
    blocks at once that are to be on the same layer.

    Is there any Advanced books on Pallettes or something. My mind is racing
    and my mouth is drooling at all the possibilities I can dream up to speed
    things up here at work.
    Michael Schirmer, Dec 9, 2004
  4. Michael Schirmer

    Chip Harper Guest

    Using the original 2004 version, the Tool Palettes Extension for 2004 or the
    2005 version? LT or Full AutoCAD?
    Chip Harper, Dec 9, 2004
  5. I'm using the Full Autocad 2005.
    Michael Schirmer, Dec 9, 2004
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