HELP Whenever i try to use a wall, vindow or ?? i get this message: "A style or difinition could not be located for this tool" - "Please check the tool settings for following possible causes: - location drawing is not avaible or style or difinition does not exist in current drawing" I tried to drag and drop diff. styles (wall, window aso.) into the drawing and refresh - nothing happens. Hope you can understand my english - Im from denmark. -- Med venlig hilsen Tom S. Broeng CADkonstruktøren v/ Tom S. Broeng Hyldehegnet 1 DK - 7600 Struer Tlf: 9785 0675 Fax: 9785 0677 Mobil: 3034 6669 Direkte mail:
I have a similar problem, but someone directed me to, they have a lot of resourses that will be of help, however some are not free. Hope this will help, if not please send me an email personally.
If you are using Architectural Desktop this might apply. Many registry scanning/cleaning applications will delete AEC dll files. When Norton's System Works got through with my operating system some 400+ dll files had been deleted. The ADT dvd has a registry repair option which solved my problem. I no longer can allow registry scanning/cleaning. I don't want to "fix it" each time.