
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tonius, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. Tonius

    Tonius Guest

    Can anyone help me out? Most of my models contains various
    configurations in which, for example, lenght is one of the variable. In
    most cases i'm presenting all the configurations with a single drawing.
    So, in those drawings i delete <DIM> and replace it with a text
    "Lenght" and import Lenght dimensions from PDM to a block. The problem
    is that i haven't succeed (if even possible) to give a tolerance to the
    text which is necessary time to time.
    Tonius, Dec 10, 2004
  2. Tonius

    Eddie Guest

    Tonius wrote:
    Have you considered adding a "Tolerance" column in your DT?
    You could even create a "Configuration Specific" File Property to push
    to your PDM system.
    Then on the drawing, replace dim with "Length±Tol"
    Eddie, Dec 10, 2004
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