Toggling (UNDO/REDO) of Hide & Show (Revisited)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by KCS Development, May 16, 2004.

  1. A followup to a couple of threads regarding visibility toggling.

    The Visibility Toggling macro was converted back to .swp and I was
    amazed at the increase in speed. It's something like 10X faster.
    Available at A free update will be sent out to
    registered users.



    Message 1 in thread
    From: SR ()
    Subject: Assembly Transparency

    View this article only
    Newsgroups: comp.cad.solidworks
    Date: 2003-11-14 09:40:54 PST

    While the assembly transparency is nice, does anyone know how to turn
    all parts off with designing in-context? This wasn't much of a problem
    when I was designing small assemblies. I would just select the
    parts/subassys and "Hide", but now that I'm working on an assembly
    with more parts this is getting to be a real pain. I tried setting up
    configurations, but really what I want is to be able todo is toggle
    between showing the assembly components (Opague or Transparent) and
    hiding all the assembly components when I'm editing a part. Any
    feedback would be appreciated.



    From: Todd ()
    Subject: Re: Assembly Transparency

    View this article only
    Newsgroups: comp.cad.solidworks
    Date: 2003-12-04 10:24:46 PST


    What are your thoughts on this macro?

    How slow? What seems to be the threshold of components where it's a
    pain to use?

    I have a combo of free macros I'm using for this type of thing -- but
    with alot of parts they are dog slow.

    Wouldn't be nice if SolidWorks Corp. put incredibly useful things like
    this into the software? I think it's great that SWX has a good API
    that allows this sort of thing but some on these things should be
    no-brainers for them to integrate into the code.



    Message 1 in thread
    From: Per O. Hoel ()
    Subject: Toggling (UNDO/REDO) of Hide & Show

    Date: 2003-01-10 13:54:54 PST

    I can't tell you how often (especially during presentations and
    development sessions) I'll select one or more parts to hide from view

    Then, moments later, when it's time to redisplay them the hunt begins
    to locate the parts for selection within the Feature Manager. This
    reselection process can often be very tedious when the number of parts
    is large and especially when some are embedded within sub-assemblies.

    Ideally it should be possible to simply click the UNDO button in order
    to revert to the previous display of components. Additionally, having
    a REDO for the display could allow for going back and forth quickly
    when hiding and showing the same selected parts repeatedly.

    Setting up configurations to handle this is NOT a solution, since the
    need is for "on the fly" random selections!

    If any of you have found a way to handle this efficiently using the
    existing user interface, please advise. I think an enhancement request
    is in order...

    Per O. Hoel
    KCS Development, May 16, 2004
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